Saturday, December 29, 2007

Week Eighteen Question

Respond in a well-developed paragraph of 150-200 words.

What marketable skills have you gained through work-based learning that will help you apply for jobs in the future? How many positive references have you gained?

Week Sixteen Question

Respond in a well-developed paragraph of 150-200 words.

After doing this job, what will you attempt to avoid in future jobs? What will you try to do again?

Week Fifteen Question

Respond in a well-devloped paragraph of 150-200 words.

Imagine you are your own supervisor. What changes would you make at your job and why?

Week Fourteen Question

Respond in a well-developed paragraph of 150-200 words.

Have you had a conflict at work? How did you resolve it? If you could, is there anything you would change about your actions or words?

Week Thirteen Question

Respond in a well-developed paragraph of 150-200 words.

What is the best accomplishment you have achieved at work?

Week Twelve Question

Respond in a well-developed paragraph of 150-200 words.

What is the greatest challenge you face at work?

Week Eleven Question

Respond in a well-developed paragraph of 150-200 words.

What position do you ideally want at your job or with another company? What types of education and advancements would you need to accomplish that goal? How will you do it?

Week Ten Question

Respond in a well-developed paragraph of 150-200 words.

How does this program benefit you as both a student and as an employee?

Week Nine Question

Respond in a well-developed paragraph of 150-200 words.

How do you feel your position with your company is relevant to life-experience and work experience you will have after high school?

Week Eight Question

Respond in a well-developed paragraph of 150-200 words.

How does your behavior at work compare to home? For example, do you alter your speech, dress, posture, etc., when you are “on the clock?”

Week Seven Question

Respond in a well-developed paragraph of 150-200 words.

Write about an unusual experience that happened at work this week.

Week Six Question

Respond in a well-developed paragraph of 150-200 words.

How do you approach work and school rigorously?

Week Five Question

Respond in a well-developed paragraph of 150-200 words.

What changes have you seen within yourself since being employed?

Week Four Question

Respond in a well-developed paragraph of 150-200 words.

What is the best relationship you have built through your job?

Week Seventeen Question

Respond in a well-developed paragraph of 150-200 words.

Knowing what you do about your company, would you be more or less likely to give them your business in the future? (For example, if at a store, will you continue to shop at this store now that you have a look “behind the scenes?”). Site examples so we can understand your reasoning.

Week Three Question

Respond in a well-developed paragraph of 150-200 words.

Discuss the best day you have had so far at your job. What made you enjoy your job more that day?

Week Two Question

Respond in a well-developed paragraph of 150-200 words.

After working at your job, do you feel differently about how you will spend your money in the future? Why or why not?

Week One Question

Respond in a well-developed paragraph of 150-200 words.

Write about your feelings the first day of work. Were your expectations the same as your experience? Why or why not?

Grading information

I am glad you are taking work based learning! This class is a great way to obtain a career and technical credit while working and earning money! However, there are several obligations you will have as a student of this course, and it is up to you to take your responsibilities seriously to earn your credit.

Our class will meet each Tuesday during the third block slot. Additionally, you will have all day Wednesday to work at your job. You are required to work no fewer than 15 hours per week in order to gain class credit. To verify this, you will need to bring in a completed time sheet every week. These timesheets will verify your hours worked plus help you understand how to calculate your paychecks. These are for a grade and are kept on file until the end of the semester.

Additionally, each week, you will be graded based on your answer to the weekly question. Each question is worth 2 points (out of 100 total) for your final grade. Your question must be answered each week to remain current in the class. As in any class at Classic City High School, your progress will be monitored to make sure you are no more than two weeks behind at any given time.

Please answer the question each Tuesday while in class for the work based learning program. Each response should be a well-developed paragraph, of about 150 to 200 words.

Please form your answers in a logical format, using a topic sentence, supporting sentences and by checking your spelling and grammar carefully.

Please be sure to keep up with your time sheets and weekly questions to remain in the course. I'm sure you will have no trouble at all!

Mrs. S.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Blank Evaluation

Twice during the semester, your manager or supervisor will fill out an evaluation of your performance. This evaluation covers everything from your attendance to your work ethic and attitude towards other employees and customers. I have included a blank evaluation for you to preview. Each evaluation will be 25 percent of your total grade.

Student/Employer____________________ Training Station____________________ Block_____
Semester________ Employer/Supervisor_________________ Teacher/Coordinator___________

The School-to-Career Program is a cooperative training effort between the school and the business community. This evaluation provides a means for joint assessment of the student/employee’s job performance. Your evaluation will help the teacher/coordinator to determine as appropriate grade for the training period credit and to offer instruction that will promote the student/employee’s continued success on the job. This report is CONFINDENTIAL. Only the supervisor, teacher/coordinator, parent and the student will have access to this information.

Please circle the number using the following rating scale to evaluate the performance of the student in each of the categories listed below for the grading period.

4 – Excellent 3 – Above Average 2 – Average 1 – Below Average

Punctuality/Personality Traits

Reports to work as scheduled and on time 4 3 2 1 N/A
Respects cultural diversity 4 3 2 1 N/A
Arranges in advance for lateness or time off 4 3 2 1 N/A
Grooming/Dressing appropriately for the job 4 3 2 1 N/A
Discreet (as to being talkative) 4 3 2 1 N/A
Demonstrates self-control 4 3 2 1 N/A

Human Relations

Demonstrates courtesy and friendliness 4 3 2 1 N/A
Deals tactfully with others 4 3 2 1 N/A
Speaks well and shows good choice of words 4 3 2 1 N/A
Cooperates with supervisor(s) and 4 3 2 1 N/A
accepts suggestions (team work)

Job Skills

Meet appropriate job requirements 4 3 2 1 N/A
Listens and follows directions 4 3 2 1 N/A
Budgets time carefully 4 3 2 1 N/A
Completes assigned tasks accurately 4 3 2 1 N/A
Requires minimal supervision 4 3 2 1 N/A
Organizes work neatly 4 3 2 1 N/A

Attitude Towards Work

Looks for ways to improve 4 3 2 1 N/A
Demonstrates initiative 4 3 2 1 N/A
Is inquisitive about the job 4 3 2 1 N/A
Shows enthusiasm for work 4 3 2 1 N/A
Accepts constructive criticism 4 3 2 1 N/A
Feels even routine jobs are important 4 3 2 1 N/A
Shows willingness to learn 4 3 2 1 N/A
Favorable attitude toward work 4 3 2 1 N/A
Proud of work 4 3 2 1 N/A

Total points earned:__________________

Points earned Employer Evaluation Grade

96 to 100 100 A
90 to 95 95 A
85 to 89 92 A
80 to 84 88 B
75 to 79 85 B
70 to 74 82 B
64 to 69 78 C
56 to 63 75 C
45 to 55 72 C
Below 45 65 F

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Welcome to Class!

Welcome to Work Based Learning at Classic City High School! This class helps you earn a course credit in the career and technical seal (business focus) while giving you more time to work for pay. This class will help you understand the responsibility and dedication needed to maintain regular hours in the business world.

I look forward to working with all of you as well as getting to know your employers. A syllabus with all the required information will be distributed, but I will cover the basics of what this course requires.

During your time in class, you will be responsible for working a minimum of 15 hours per week. It will be up to you to track your progress. Each week, you will fill out a time sheet and have your evaluator sign it. These sheets are a large percentage of your final grade, so it is imperative they are turned in weekly.

Additionally, you will be responsible for answering question of the week on the blog as well as attending class each Wednesday. The remainder of your grade will be determined by two evaluations given by your employer.

Although there is not a lot of in-class work required for this credit, it is imperative that you check in weekly to ensure you are completing all necessary items. Roll for this class will be taken only on Wednesdays, and failure to attend class will result in dismissal.