Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Welcome to Class!

Welcome to Work Based Learning at Classic City High School! This class helps you earn a course credit in the career and technical seal (business focus) while giving you more time to work for pay. This class will help you understand the responsibility and dedication needed to maintain regular hours in the business world.

I look forward to working with all of you as well as getting to know your employers. A syllabus with all the required information will be distributed, but I will cover the basics of what this course requires.

During your time in class, you will be responsible for working a minimum of 15 hours per week. It will be up to you to track your progress. Each week, you will fill out a time sheet and have your evaluator sign it. These sheets are a large percentage of your final grade, so it is imperative they are turned in weekly.

Additionally, you will be responsible for answering question of the week on the blog as well as attending class each Wednesday. The remainder of your grade will be determined by two evaluations given by your employer.

Although there is not a lot of in-class work required for this credit, it is imperative that you check in weekly to ensure you are completing all necessary items. Roll for this class will be taken only on Wednesdays, and failure to attend class will result in dismissal.